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Case Study #1 - News website & mobile app

Google Ad Manager / Ad Exchange (AdX) / AdMob / Private Marketplace (PMP)

  • Advertising operation using GAM

  • Technical Support (header bidding)

  • Ad Layout Design / Proposal

  • Acquisition of PMP budget

  • Review of Advertising Revenue

  • Add Video Advertising Vendor

  • Recommendation widget optimization

  • Advertising Operation

Case Study 1.png

Case Study #2 - Finance website & mobile app


Google Ad Manager / Ad Exchange (AdX) / AdMob / Private Marketplace (PMP)

  • Advertising operation using GAM

  • Ad Layout Design / Proposal

  • Acquisition of PMP and Ad Network

  • Pricing floor optimization

  • Opt-in the latest product / feature (First Look, Open Bidding)

  • Review of Advertising Revenue

Case Study 2.png

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