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AnyMind now connects multiple SDKs and ad server adapters on AnyManager for App Developers

App developers simply need to implement a single SDK or server adapter that connects to a variety of advertising demand sources

AnyMind Group, an end-to-end commerce enablement company, has today announced the launch of new offerings on its publisher growth platform, AnyManager, for app developers to tap on various advertising demand sources through a single SDK or ad server adapter. The offerings are now available to app developers in Singapore, Taiwan, Japan and Australia.

With the increasing number of demand sources for mobile apps in recent years, app developers have to implement multiple software development kits (SDKs) to receive and maximize ad inventory demand. This requires a lot of internal or external resources to deploy, troubleshoot and fix bugs across SDKs.

Through AnyManager, app developers can now tap on offerings that consolidate various advertising SDKs (termed AnyManager SDK) and various ad server adapters (termed AnyManager Adapter), reducing the resources required to deploy, update individual SDKs, troubleshoot and fix bugs, whilst maximizing advertising revenue by working with multiple mediation partners. Advertisers can also now tap into AnyMind Group’s app inventory from their preferred buy-side platform.

At present, AnyManager SDK is connected to AnyMind Group-acquired POKKT, along with AdColony, AppLovin, Facebook, InMobi, MoPub, Tapjoy, Unity Ads, ironSource. AnyManager Adapter is connected to LINE and Pangle. Both AnyManager SDK and AnyManager Adapter are able to support multiple mobile ad formats including interstitial, native, rewarded and banner ads.

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